domingo, 22 de julio de 2012

Raspberry Pi and Pandaboard

Raspberry Pi and Pandaboard embedded programming and robotics

[caption id="attachment_707" align="alignleft" width="300"]Pandaboard and Raspberry Pi Pandaboard and Raspberry Pi[/caption]

In a few days [C# part ìt's already here, very soon the starting of the  C++ part] will start a tutorial about programming Pandaboard and Raspberry Pi, specially oriented towars robotics programming using the wonderful Robotis Bioloid kit.

It will try to explain clearly how to install the Raspbian and Ubuntu GNU Linux operating systems and the GNU C++ development environment.

The C++ robotics tutorial will start with a quick introduction to C++, examples using the AX-12 servos, communications using serial port and wireless connections, and, finally, the development of a 6 wheeled hexapod robot, that will be used to introduce advanced techniques like concurrent programming that the new C++ 11 bring to us.

[caption id="attachment_705" align="alignleft" width="300"]HexaWheels_01 HexaWheels_01[/caption]

By the way, Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++ by Bjarn Stroustrup (the "father of C++) and C++ Concurreny in Action are two great books that cover wide and wisely all these subjects.

A video (excuse me for the poor quality, it willbe improved) with the first steps of the Raspberry Pi based robot
