miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013

(II) C++ crash examples tutorial using Robotis CM-900 board and IDE (II)

In this post I will try to show one important C++ feature, virtual classes as interfaces, defining a rol that several classes can implement. Also

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// C++ crash tutorial with Robotis CM-900.

// First example: http://softwaresouls.com/softwaresouls/

Classes inheritance and interface creation in C++

// Abstract class as Interface for communication device classes http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/polymorphism/
class CommunicationDevice
virtual void setup(int baudrate=0)=0; // baudrate=0, default parameter in case is not passed any parameter.
//...)=0; is a pure virtual method that convert the class in abstract http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/polymorphism/
//      because is not straight usable , a derived classimpllementing the pure virtual methods must be created
virtual void send(char *message)=0;   // default parameter in case is not passed any parameter.

virtual void send(int i)=0; //Method overloading http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/functions2/ Same method name with different parameter types


class Zigbee : public CommunicationDevice //inherits the interface a should define the methos to be able to create objects.
void setup(int baudrate=0);
void send (char *message);
void send(int i);

class USB : public CommunicationDevice //inherits the interface a should define the methos to be able to create objects.
void setup(int baudrate=0);
void send (char *message);
void send(int i);

class Debug {
CommunicationDevice &commDevice;
Debug(CommunicationDevice &aCommDevice) : commDevice(aCommDevice) {}; // member object commDevice is instantiated by reference to avoid object copy
void show(char *message)
commDevice.send(message); // the "commDevice"  method called depends on the object passed to the constructor

void show(int i)

void Zigbee::setup(int baudrate)
if (baudrate==0)
baudrate=57600; //only changes local copy, not the variable passed as value parameter http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/functions2/

void Zigbee::send(char *message)

void Zigbee::send(int i)

void USB::setup(int baudrate)

void USB::send(char *message)

void USB::send(int i)

Zigbee zigbee;
USB usb;

const byte NumberOfCommsDevices=2;
CommunicationDevice *commsDevices[]={&usb, &zigbee};
//={usb, zigbee};

void setup()
//  Individually:

//  zigbee.setup();
//  usb.setup();

//  collectively. using the common Interface "CommunicationDevice"
for (int i=0;i<NumberOfCommsDevices;i++) commsDevices[i]->setup();
delay(2000); // waiting for 2 seconds, let the user activate the monitor/console window (Control+Shift+M).

int counter=0;
void loop()
Debug debug1(usb); // Debug constructor accepts any class inhereting the Interface "CommunicationDevice", Debug(CommunicationDevice &aCommDevice)
debug1.show("Hola"); //debug object will call the method "send" implemented in the object passed to the constructor. In this case "usb.send"

//Showing the counter for each iteration until the 2000th iteration
if (counter <=2000)
// Showing the counter every 100 iterations and waiting for 2 seconds
if (counter%100==0) // Operator modulo http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/operators/ (returns the remainder)


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